7 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting the Accessibility of IT Artifacts : A Systematic Review

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    Accessibility awareness and development have improved in the past two decades, but many users still encounter accessibility barriers when using information technology (IT) artifacts (e.g., user interfaces and websites). Current research in information systems and human-computer interaction disciplines explores methods, techniques, and factors affecting the accessibility of IT artifacts for a particular population and provides solutions to address these barriers. However, design realized in one solution should be used to provide accessibility to the widest range of users, which requires an integration of solutions. To identify the factors that cause accessibility barriers and the solutions for users with different needs, a systematic literature review was conducted. This paper contributes to the existing body of knowledge by revealing (1) management- and development-level factors, and (2) user perspective factors affecting accessibility that address different accessibility barriers to different groups of population (based on the International Classification of Functioning by the World Health Organization). Based on these findings, we synthesize and illustrate the factors and solutions that need to be addressed when creating an accessible IT artifact.© 2022 by the Association for Information Systems. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and full citation on the first page. Copyright for components of this work owned by others than the Association for Information Systems must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior specific permission and/or fee. Request permission to publish from: AIS Administrative Office, P.O. Box 2712 Atlanta, GA, 30301-2712 Attn: Reprints are via e-mail from [email protected]=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Factors Affecting the Accessibility of IT Artifacts: A Systematic Review

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    Accessibility awareness and development have improved in the past two decades, but many users still encounter accessibility barriers when using information technology (IT) artifacts (e.g., user interfaces and websites). Current research in information systems and human-computer interaction disciplines explores methods, techniques, and factors affecting the accessibility of IT artifacts for a particular population and provides solutions to address these barriers. However, design realized in one solution should be used to provide accessibility to the widest range of users, which requires an integration of solutions. To identify the factors that cause accessibility barriers and the solutions for users with different needs, a systematic literature review was conducted. This paper contributes to the existing body of knowledge by revealing (1) management- and development-level factors, and (2) user perspective factors affecting accessibility that address different accessibility barriers to different groups of population (based on the International Classification of Functioning by the World Health Organization). Based on these findings, we synthesize and illustrate the factors and solutions that need to be addressed when creating an accessible IT artifact

    Öppna Portar - gårdarnas och trädgårdarnas kulturevenemang : En marknadsundersökning om Öppna Portar i Kristinestad 2012

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    Öppna Portar är ett trädgårdsevenemang som ordnas varje år i juni i Kristinestad. Syftet med examensarbetet är att kartlägga besökarnas åsikter om evenemanget samt att se huruvida marknadsföringen av Öppna Portar på internet och i sociala medier varit effektiv. Målet är att Kristinestads Turism eventuellt med hjälp av resultaten från undersökningen kan förbättra Öppna Portar. Examensarbetets teoridel består av information om Öppna Portar samt teori om evenemang och trädgårdsevenemang. Den innehåller också teori om marknadsföring på internet och i sociala medier, samt om marknadsundersökningar. För att uppnå syftet utfördes en enkätundersökning bland besökarna under evenemanget Öppna Portar i Kristinestad 16-17.6.2012. Totalt 57 enkätsvar samlades in. Resultaten från undersökningen sammanställdes och visade att majoriteten av respondenterna fått information om evenemanget från annonser och artiklar i lokala tidningar, samt via bekanta. Majoriteten av besökarna är mycket nöjda med evenemanget, tycker om konceptet och planerar besöka Öppna Portar igen. Examensarbetet förväntas ge läsaren en uppfattning om kulturevenemanget Öppna Portar samt klargöra vad besökarna anser om evenemanget.Öppna Portar is an annual garden event held in June in Kristiinankaupunki, Finland. The purpose of this study is to identify the visitors' opinions about the event and to see whether the marketing of Öppna Portar on the Internet and in social media has been effective. The goal of the study is for the Tourism Board of Kristiinankaupunki to be able to use the results obtained from the study to improve the event. The theoretical part of the thesis consists of information about the event Öppna Portar and theory about events and garden events. It also includes theory about Internet marketing and marketing in social media, as well as on market research. To achieve the aim of the study, I conducted a survey among the visitors at Öppna Portar in Kristiinankaupunki 16-17.6.2012. A total of 57 questionnaires were collected. The results of the survey were compiled and showed that the majority of the respondents received information about the event from advertisements and articles in local newspapers, and also through word-of-mouth. Most respondents were very pleased with the event; they liked the concept and plan to visit Öppna Portar again. This thesis is expected to give the reader an idea of the cultural garden event Öppna Portar and to clarify what the visitors’ opinions about the event are

    Bokslutsanalys Gripen Wheels Finland Ab Oy 2019: Ett analysarbete som innehåller en jämförelse med tre konkurrenter

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    En företagsanalys är en analys över företagets välmående. Företagsanalyser kan göras på olika sätt men i detta arbete används nyckeltal, kassaflödesanalyser och konkurrentanalyser. Arbetet görs på uppdrag av Gripen Wheels Finland Ab Oy och företaget har jämförts med två konkurrenter, NDI Finland Oy och Mitas Oy. De är grossistföretag inom däckbranschen. Företagen importerar, säljer och lagrar däck, fälg och slang för tunga fordon, personbilar, lastbilar och paketbilar. Syftet med arbetet var att göra en bokslutsanalys för Gripen Wheels Finland Ab Oy. En kvantitativ metod har använts eftersom att analysen är baserad på bokslut från 2015–2018 och för att få en så exakt jämförelse som möjligt. Justeringar gjordes för den officiella resultaträkningen och balansräkningen för att nyckeltal och kassaflödesanalyserna kunde räknas. Nyckeltalen har räknats för att kunna identifiera vad som kunde förbättras för att öka på lönsamheten, förbättra finansieringen och kapitalstrukturen. En konkurrentanalys har gjorts för att se om Gripen Wheels Finland Ab Oy har några styrkor och svagheter. Genom att analysera nyckeltalen för Gripen Wheels Finland Ab Oy har det konstaterats att det är ett lönsamt företag. För att få en mera exakt bild över vad Gripen Wheels Finland Ab Oy vill nå för mål har en intervju gjorts med platschefen. Genom intervjun kunde förbättringsförslag ges eftersom att företagets mål kändes till.Yritystutkimus on analyysi yrityksen taloudellisesta tilasta. Yritystutkimuksia voidaan laatia monella eri tavalla. Tässä työssä käytetiin analysoinnin apuna tunnuslukuja, kassavirtalaskelmia ja kilpailija-analyysiä. Toimeksiantaja tällä analyysille on Gripen Wheels Finland Ab Oy. Yritystä vertaillaan kahteen saman alan tukkuliikekilpailijaan, NDI Finland Oy ja Mitas Oy:n kanssa. Yritykset ovat keskittäneet toimintansa renkaisiin. Yritykset maahantuovat, varastoivat ja myyvät renkaita, sisärenkaita sekä vanteita raskaille ajoneuvoille, henkilö-, paketti- ja kuorma-autoille. Työn tarkoituksena oli laatia tilinpäätösanalyysi Gripen Wheels Finland Ab Oy:lle. Apuna tilinpäätöksien analysoinnissa käytettiin kvantitatiivista menetelmää. Menetelmää käytettiin, että saataisiin niin tarkat vertailutulokset kuin mahdollista. Tilinpäätökset ovat vuosilta 2015 - 2018. Tuloslaskelmaan ja taseeseen tehtiin oikaisut, että tunnusluvut ja kassavirtalaskelmat pystyttiin laskemaan. Tunnusluvuilla pystyy hahmottamaan kaikki mahdolliset parannusmenetelmät jatkuvaan taloudelliseen kehitykseen. Kilpailijaanalyysillä todetaan, Gripen Wheels Finland Ab Oy:n vahvuudet sekä heikkoudet. Gripen Wheels Finland Ab Oy:n tunnuslukujen analysoinnilla on tultu tulokseen, että yritys on kannattava. Jotta saataisiin vielä tarkempi kuva yrityksen tavoitteista, on haastateltu osastonpäällikköä. Haastattelun perusteella, on mahdollista ehdottaa räätälöityjä taloudellisia parannusmenetelmiä, heidän tavoitteidensa toteuttamiseksi.The work is an analyze of the companys well-being. Company analyses can be done in many different ways but in this thesis ratio, cashflow analyzes and competitor analyzes has been used. The analyze was done on behalf of Gripen Wheels Finland Ab Oy and the company was compared with two competitors, NDI Finland Oy and Mitas Oy. The companies are wholesalers within the tire industry. They import, sell and warehouse for example tires, rims and inner tubes for heavy vehicles such as cars, trucks and vans. The purpose of the thesis was to do a financial-analyze for Gripen Wheels Finland Ab Oy. In this thesis a quantitative method was used, since financial statements were analysed from 2015-2018. The method is used to get to a resault as exactly as possible. Adjustments were done in the official results report and balance sheet so the ratios and cashflow analyses could be calculated. The ratios were calculated to be able to identify improvements for profitability, finances and capital structure. A competitor analyze was done to be able to identify strengths and weaknesses for Gripen Wheels Finland Ab Oy. The results of the analyze shows that Gripen Wheels Finland is a profitable company. To get a better picture of the companys goals, an interviewed was made with the local manager. Due to the interview some improvements could be done, since the financial goals was known

    The Center of Architectural Preservation: A Service Design Project for Föreningen Brage i Vasa r.f.

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    The objective of this thesis was to create a knowledge center of architectural preservation for Föreningen Brage i Vasa r.f. The research questions were: What is the need of the customers? What kind of services is Föreningen Brage i Vasa r.f. able to offer? What would the finished service consist of? and How would the project be financed? Architectural preservation is a growing trend, not only in Ostrobothnia, but all over the country. With mostly modern ways of renovating being what most craftsmen are taught to do, it can be difficult to find craftsmen and retailers to help with restoring old buildings. The need for a platform that would bring together customers with craftsmen and suppliers is significant. This thesis explores the possibilities of creating a knowledge center, and by using service design methods, a project plan was developed. The methodology and tools used in this thesis are online ethnography, qualitative interviews, customer journey maps and personas. The results showed that there was a significant need for a platform where customers could access information about craftsmen and restoration methods. A plan for the knowledge center was developed for the commissioner